not going home this chinese new year. fark! its gonna be long and boring with all the shops closed, making taipei a dead city hopefully the iceskating rink and the municipal stadium will be open. otherwise, i shall go start revising and have a headstart in preparation for IGCSE! hurhur and beat all of your backsides esp hannah's. muwahhaha but still, i hope to travel down south and say hi to some people and demand something from them.
memories from FOBISSEA GAMES 2005
We had a "private jet" basically the whole area was OURS, each person had one row of seat.
memories from FOBISSEA GAMES 2005

RAY my man, sleeping during lunch break..yeah with his leg lifted up.
"I'm a STAR" - RAY
RAY did that on JACKIE...smarties on his ass.
Kasumi, sleeping before owning the rest @ the stadium.
Greener and Roze (cool eh?)
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