'f...ked up' kid
i was at my favourite bike store this afternoon picking up some stuff, and saw an eager father with uncle KT, getting a pinarello prince of spain fixed up for his son. sadly, on the looks of the young lad's face, one can immediately tell that he was more 'into' playing his handheld console than his brand new S$10 grand racing bicycle. (YES, its a 14yo kid with a pinarello prince of spain bike)
we have kids in the team whose parents don't give a rat's ass about their dreams or the their love for bikes, and to see that some of their parents not being supportive to their kids, even if they are one of the top local racers for their age group. but here, we have a random rich boy who doesn't even look appreciative at all... spoilt is the word most would say... wot a shame and i feel sorry for his father. indeed, life is not fair...
on the brighter side, i guess i can pretty much say i'm quite fortunate to have a father who cares for us and tries to provide us with what we want and most importantly, what we need. (maybe) my dad might not be able to provide both my brother and i each a pinarello prince bike decked with full campagnolo record parts and a nice set of carbon wheels, but we're more than grateful to have him 'sponsoring' a decent bike that will allow us to try and fulfill our dreams.
thanks papa (& mama).
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