Monday, January 30, 2006
okie...i updated! i'm in some werid ass place (ghost town) with nothing much except for a few 7-11s. cant really update here, this computer's got a hell of a problem.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
first day of chinese new year, and i'm bored sick! nothing to do really? everything's closed and its cold. haha guests are coming later, can't wait for dinner.
going to taichung and sun moon lake tomorrow with another family in the trade office. so i guess it'd be cool. and maybe get to meet some of dad's rich taiwanese friends (you know what i mean.mwahhaha)
anyway, happy new year to all =)
going to taichung and sun moon lake tomorrow with another family in the trade office. so i guess it'd be cool. and maybe get to meet some of dad's rich taiwanese friends (you know what i mean.mwahhaha)
anyway, happy new year to all =)
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
not going home this chinese new year. fark! its gonna be long and boring with all the shops closed, making taipei a dead city hopefully the iceskating rink and the municipal stadium will be open. otherwise, i shall go start revising and have a headstart in preparation for IGCSE! hurhur and beat all of your backsides esp hannah's. muwahhaha but still, i hope to travel down south and say hi to some people and demand something from them.
memories from FOBISSEA GAMES 2005
We had a "private jet" basically the whole area was OURS, each person had one row of seat.
memories from FOBISSEA GAMES 2005

RAY my man, sleeping during lunch break..yeah with his leg lifted up.
"I'm a STAR" - RAY
RAY did that on JACKIE...smarties on his ass.
Kasumi, sleeping before owning the rest @ the stadium.
Greener and Roze (cool eh?)
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Saturday, January 21, 2006
sometimes you see a total different person when they hang around a different group of "friends" =(
congrats to the jvb jv boys and jv girls for coming in last, last and 3rd respectively. hannah scored points in whole tournament (even without practice)hahah. she's obviously the legend.
memiors of a geisha, pretty good movie. it was probably zhang ziyi's hottest role. the mini version of her looks REALLY like her. and maybe even hotter. alright nuff said. ciao.
congrats to the jvb jv boys and jv girls for coming in last, last and 3rd respectively. hannah scored points in whole tournament (even without practice)hahah. she's obviously the legend.
memiors of a geisha, pretty good movie. it was probably zhang ziyi's hottest role. the mini version of her looks REALLY like her. and maybe even hotter. alright nuff said. ciao.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
oh well, just one mark off the A grade for science. wasted! weekends are coming, more sleep.hehe
saw a hot blondie today while coming home on the mrt. boy her ass...ooh,later!
"ray summaries the summary" - jerry lee
saw a hot blondie today while coming home on the mrt. boy her ass...ooh,later!
"ray summaries the summary" - jerry lee
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
its all over...hope everything goes well.
i shall go watch DOOM dvd later, and rent THE PUNISHER dvd for the night!
"SECOND is the first LOSER" - benji chin
i shall go watch DOOM dvd later, and rent THE PUNISHER dvd for the night!
"SECOND is the first LOSER" - benji chin
Monday, January 16, 2006
PHYSICAL EDUCATION! hmm i think i should be able to do OKAY in that. well got back my geo grades. goshh it sucked. B+ WTF? when the rest of my mates got As... hannah too ;( nahh well she did her best, staying up late and crashed course while i slacked off. so well, i deserve it this time. hope the other geo papers can bring my grade up! oh yeah full marks for chinese (nothing to be proud off right hannah? heheh)
hmmm... i cant wait for the weekend, ice skating after more than 10weeks of persuation. well, anyway, hope i didnt screw the last bit of the english paper. hannah, don't worry, am very sure you'll do fine ;) thanks for those cards mate, it sure made me feel so much better. =) YOUR DA MAN!!
Literature and Economics tomorrow. i shall go now.
*changed the song to kiss goodbye by lee hom, should check out the MV.
"i came, i saw and i went home..." - baz hurhur
hmmm... i cant wait for the weekend, ice skating after more than 10weeks of persuation. well, anyway, hope i didnt screw the last bit of the english paper. hannah, don't worry, am very sure you'll do fine ;) thanks for those cards mate, it sure made me feel so much better. =) YOUR DA MAN!!
Literature and Economics tomorrow. i shall go now.
*changed the song to kiss goodbye by lee hom, should check out the MV.
"i came, i saw and i went home..." - baz hurhur
Sunday, January 15, 2006
school tomorrow plus PE exams. G.U.N.!!
half a year has gone by. a few more months, we'd be taking IGCSE exams and leave our own seperate ways. yeah time really flies eh? i kinda think its pretty sad when people leave. yet again... i've gotta pack my bags when time comes. oh well. a couple of 'em had left before the start of this school year (kasumi, yuki, eric, henry etc.) it really makes me wonder where the hell are we gonna end up 10 years down the road. and really, like when are we gonna meet again in future, as it might be the last time. well "treasure your friendship" sounds really good.
i guess c'est la vie ("it's life" in french) is the best way to describe it. and sides, i don't want to grow up mann..haha
half a year has gone by. a few more months, we'd be taking IGCSE exams and leave our own seperate ways. yeah time really flies eh? i kinda think its pretty sad when people leave. yet again... i've gotta pack my bags when time comes. oh well. a couple of 'em had left before the start of this school year (kasumi, yuki, eric, henry etc.) it really makes me wonder where the hell are we gonna end up 10 years down the road. and really, like when are we gonna meet again in future, as it might be the last time. well "treasure your friendship" sounds really good.
i guess c'est la vie ("it's life" in french) is the best way to describe it. and sides, i don't want to grow up mann..haha
Saturday, January 14, 2006
sometimes i think that i contradict myself too much, i tell people to think positive, but now, i cant even do it myself.
life can be fucked up, and is always fucked up!
woke up at 10am today, weekend!! anyway one more week of exams left. found out i got a B in science. =( well still beter than a C. hannah owes me ice cream now.
screwed the math paper4 (my worst math paper ever!!) geo exams are over! economics..hmm..wasnt as diffcult as i'd expect. well hopefully i can get a good grade for economics.
went through some of my old stuff just now, and saw the cards that my mates got for me before i came to taiwan. hmm its been a year and half now, wonder how am i going to part this place where i met so many nice people and the solid friendship. hope this aint just a memory when i leave in maybe after summer or next year, but a moment that i will remember as part of growing up.
found kenneth khing's card under drawer together with seb and the track team. here a quote from it:
"When things go wrong And the world seems to suck, Just remember that shit happens And that we should never give up.-stride on." -Kenneth Khing.
yeah i guess its true. =(
life can be fucked up, and is always fucked up!
woke up at 10am today, weekend!! anyway one more week of exams left. found out i got a B in science. =( well still beter than a C. hannah owes me ice cream now.
screwed the math paper4 (my worst math paper ever!!) geo exams are over! economics..hmm..wasnt as diffcult as i'd expect. well hopefully i can get a good grade for economics.
went through some of my old stuff just now, and saw the cards that my mates got for me before i came to taiwan. hmm its been a year and half now, wonder how am i going to part this place where i met so many nice people and the solid friendship. hope this aint just a memory when i leave in maybe after summer or next year, but a moment that i will remember as part of growing up.
found kenneth khing's card under drawer together with seb and the track team. here a quote from it:
"When things go wrong And the world seems to suck, Just remember that shit happens And that we should never give up.-stride on." -Kenneth Khing.
yeah i guess its true. =(
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
ROCKSTAR sign...heheh was hilarious. that was the code for "oei I NEEED HELP" during geo mocks(which i lost 10marks cause had no time for the last bits) and jenn joined in before we started the desk, i raised up my hands and showed her the sign, next moment..she was laughing and making werid signs back at me which i have no idea what they were ;)
english haha. was alright...saw ray all panicking (as usual) well me too, had not much time for the summary part, but i managed to get the main stuff in. hoho
anyway here's how i ended my english question one (visitor's brocheure)
"we wish that will you enjoy your time and hope that you come again."
"ray's summary is the summarising the summary." - jerry lee
english haha. was alright...saw ray all panicking (as usual) well me too, had not much time for the summary part, but i managed to get the main stuff in. hoho
anyway here's how i ended my english question one (visitor's brocheure)
"we wish that will you enjoy your time and hope that you come again."
"ray's summary is the summarising the summary." - jerry lee
Monday, January 09, 2006
first day of school.
hmmm, well i must say the first paper (science) was quite a killer, hahah from the moment i flipped open the first page. i went like, "FUCK it..." (mind my language, just not in the mood)
and hannah i have a feeling you are going to win me in this subject (i'll work hard for geo, hopefully there will be plenty of mapping questions MUWAHAHAH, mann you even thought that singapore was in AFRICA!!)
but well, we got notes from our parents to get early release from school, instead of heading home. HA we headed to the pool hall! was pretty awesome how those other dudes except for (stephen, hannah and i) got their "NOTE FROM THEIR PARENT"! haha well we managed to type a "VERY" FORMAL note for jackie and got jerry to sign it. and jerry had his done by himself with a CHINESE STAMP on it! gosh it was hilarious.
ray the canadian champ got OWNED my me @ the pool hall, gahh hannah! use your ONLINE POOL knowledge into REAL POOL okie?? gahhhh! but anyway, today's weather is damn good mann! haha
hmmm, well i must say the first paper (science) was quite a killer, hahah from the moment i flipped open the first page. i went like, "FUCK it..." (mind my language, just not in the mood)
and hannah i have a feeling you are going to win me in this subject (i'll work hard for geo, hopefully there will be plenty of mapping questions MUWAHAHAH, mann you even thought that singapore was in AFRICA!!)
but well, we got notes from our parents to get early release from school, instead of heading home. HA we headed to the pool hall! was pretty awesome how those other dudes except for (stephen, hannah and i) got their "NOTE FROM THEIR PARENT"! haha well we managed to type a "VERY" FORMAL note for jackie and got jerry to sign it. and jerry had his done by himself with a CHINESE STAMP on it! gosh it was hilarious.
ray the canadian champ got OWNED my me @ the pool hall, gahh hannah! use your ONLINE POOL knowledge into REAL POOL okie?? gahhhh! but anyway, today's weather is damn good mann! haha
Sunday, January 08, 2006
oh well..haha school's starting tomorrow! =( so is mocks...GAHH! this time, i hope to do better than my final years last year. help!! well guess its gonna be a tough 2week ahead of me. =(
goodluck to those having exams. and to those going to m'sia in acsi, have fun =)
goodluck to those having exams. and to those going to m'sia in acsi, have fun =)
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Friday, January 06, 2006
mocks' preparation is killing me. so far only done with BIOLOGY, did some geography today and realised that i don't have to study that much, and in the end learnt those that i'm going to be tested on. GAHH! i'll wake up early later and rush through the last bits i've left with geo and i'm done for it...and move on to CHEMISTRY! ah fuck! haha. please hannah dun go too fast. hurhur
anyway i feel like heading to the pool hall this evening. ciao!
anyway i feel like heading to the pool hall this evening. ciao!
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
oh well, here's my second update of the day.
i've just completed my BIOLOGY! gosh it took me ages. well i'm not really complete, just have that HEART chapter to go on. hmm... its gonna be a lonely boring night once again. (well yesterday wasnt boring.hehe)
mum called this afternoon. its seems like they are having fun. oh well as long as they don't go horse riding without me, i guess it'd be fine =)
i keep having this thing that i cannot remember what i've just studied. its so annoying, it's like you have to constantly keep flippin' back to the past few pages to try to remember them again once you think you feel that your kinda lost. gahh!
ohh well how's the second day of school?? can someone update me on that? hehe :)
oh yeah fraser's SICK! poor him. he said he's ill every 2 months. take care dude!
i've just completed my BIOLOGY! gosh it took me ages. well i'm not really complete, just have that HEART chapter to go on. hmm... its gonna be a lonely boring night once again. (well yesterday wasnt boring.hehe)
mum called this afternoon. its seems like they are having fun. oh well as long as they don't go horse riding without me, i guess it'd be fine =)
i keep having this thing that i cannot remember what i've just studied. its so annoying, it's like you have to constantly keep flippin' back to the past few pages to try to remember them again once you think you feel that your kinda lost. gahh!
ohh well how's the second day of school?? can someone update me on that? hehe :)
oh yeah fraser's SICK! poor him. he said he's ill every 2 months. take care dude!
slept well last night, just that i thought i should sleep a little longer this morning. well to think that everyone (in singapore) would be in school for lessons, HA i saw fraser peh online...tsk tsk tsk.
anyway days whereby parents+siblings aren't at home SUCK! i mean seriously, the house becomes so blooddy quiet at night (that's unless you turn on the tele/radio) but i guess my first night was alright :D however, i just realised that i have yet to wash the dishes from yesterday's lunch... hurhur
oh well, school's starting in a couple of days time. and i'm doomed for mocks, like always. haha i've only touched a little here and there WHILE SOME PEOPLE *ah hem* are far ahead of me and keeps complaining. hehehe sighh math is gonna be disastrous. :( ohh well life as a student.
i dont know why i cannot change my picture to something else, cause when i change it, i cannot get the thing to fit in nicely... help!
kk gotta run now. study more. hopefully to cover the end of BIO and a lil more of GEO! later!
anyway days whereby parents+siblings aren't at home SUCK! i mean seriously, the house becomes so blooddy quiet at night (that's unless you turn on the tele/radio) but i guess my first night was alright :D however, i just realised that i have yet to wash the dishes from yesterday's lunch... hurhur
oh well, school's starting in a couple of days time. and i'm doomed for mocks, like always. haha i've only touched a little here and there WHILE SOME PEOPLE *ah hem* are far ahead of me and keeps complaining. hehehe sighh math is gonna be disastrous. :( ohh well life as a student.
i dont know why i cannot change my picture to something else, cause when i change it, i cannot get the thing to fit in nicely... help!
kk gotta run now. study more. hopefully to cover the end of BIO and a lil more of GEO! later!
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
new year, new start...
that's what they always say. spent x'mas break in singapore and met a couple of old mates and did some shopping here and there. school's starting on the 9th. with mocks on the first day, to make that worst...i have so much things to cover. WTF?
well anyway, just got back from singapore for x'mas vacation. i think singapore government is rather cheapskate. they are hiring CHINA woman to be the one sitting behind the check-in desk of changi airport. and also CHINA woman annoucing chinese and ENGLISH on the pa system. this is getting gay man.
was at terminal one yesterday morning at 6am, got to china airlines (its taiwanese national airline) and did a check-in. from the moment i saw the person sitting behind the desk, i knew that she was chinese. spoke mandarin to her, she spoke ENGLISH to her and could hardly hear ANYTHING! gosh! anyway she was good enough to let me off with my excess baggage of 23.5kg (instead of the usual 20 cause this time it was economy class)
went to the boarding gate and saw this two TASers. could tell that they were from TAS from the way they spoke english. hurhur then, this time a CHINA woman was annoucing over the pa system for boarding. WHERE HAVE ALL THE JOBS FOR SINGAPOREANs GONE TO??
parents and siblings arent around. =( place is so quiet...
i never see the point of having a new year's resolution, cause it aint gonna happen. hurhur. oh well. going to bed.
that's what they always say. spent x'mas break in singapore and met a couple of old mates and did some shopping here and there. school's starting on the 9th. with mocks on the first day, to make that worst...i have so much things to cover. WTF?
well anyway, just got back from singapore for x'mas vacation. i think singapore government is rather cheapskate. they are hiring CHINA woman to be the one sitting behind the check-in desk of changi airport. and also CHINA woman annoucing chinese and ENGLISH on the pa system. this is getting gay man.
was at terminal one yesterday morning at 6am, got to china airlines (its taiwanese national airline) and did a check-in. from the moment i saw the person sitting behind the desk, i knew that she was chinese. spoke mandarin to her, she spoke ENGLISH to her and could hardly hear ANYTHING! gosh! anyway she was good enough to let me off with my excess baggage of 23.5kg (instead of the usual 20 cause this time it was economy class)
went to the boarding gate and saw this two TASers. could tell that they were from TAS from the way they spoke english. hurhur then, this time a CHINA woman was annoucing over the pa system for boarding. WHERE HAVE ALL THE JOBS FOR SINGAPOREANs GONE TO??
parents and siblings arent around. =( place is so quiet...
i never see the point of having a new year's resolution, cause it aint gonna happen. hurhur. oh well. going to bed.