i got my computer fixed and my internet fixed. currently using some vodafone usb modem that will allow me to connect any where i am in singapore. kudos to jon for telling me about it!
i did a few rides from sunday to yesterday:
sunday - 108km 2x selarang loops + return trip from home to ecp
monday - rest
tuesday - 2x coastal roads 32km averaged 36.7kph (would have been faster if i resetted my speedo before my ride)
wednesday - rode from home to tampines L&T bike store and back 30km rolling hills fast (got chased by a double decker bus at 50kph at one point)
thursday - home to ecp and 1 round coastal roads and back. ~50km
so far about 220km. targeting for a 300km ride at the end of sunday!
weather here has been great. with occasional rains in the afternoon.
on monday, i met up with greg and jon at his place in orchard before we head down to sentosa. its been a long time since i've been there so it was great. however, along the way home from harbour front. we saw an acs(i) indian boy (prolly sec 1 or 2 from the looks of it), touching an indian man's ass. (SICK!) jonny videoed it (for personal pleasure...hahahahaha! wtf)!!!
then on wednesday, i met up with hannah and fraser after the school swim nats and had dinner with them. congrats to fpeh for his 200im win!!
its been a great week so far. hopefully more to come! gotta start with my EE research and write up very soon! prolly the start of next week!